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How do I increase my engagement?

Despite not having a big following you can have an incredible engagement rate which is far more important and really builds a community within your brand.

So, what can you do to get those engagement numbers pumping?

Method 1

Use hashtags. When you add hashtags onto your posts that are within your niche, people who follow those hashtags will be more able to see your posts and engage with them. You can go even further and engage with other peoples posts that use the same hashtags.

Method 2

Create content that people can engage with. Posting on your story and asking people questions by using polls, quizzes and fun activities will give your engagement a boost and add some personality to your brand.⁠

Method 3

Be active and engage with your audience. Build relationships with people through direct messages and comments. Genuinely respond to people. Ask them questions and thank them. The more you build connections with people, the more likely they will start engaging with the content that you post.⁠

Method 4

Engage with big accounts within your niche. These big accounts already have the following and even the same target audience as you. If you comment on these accounts’ posts, other people who are in your target audience will see you and hopefully want to engage with you aswell. The key is the type of comment you leave. Do not leave a robotic, spammy, ‘I will make you rich’ or ‘Promote it on…’ comment. They drive us nuts haha.

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